How to select and develop future Leaders
Here are some important thoughts how to select and develop future Leaders
Character is more important than charisma,
substance is more important than style,
integrity is more important than image.
When leaders are chosen for charisma, style, and image, why are we surprised when they turn out to lack character, substance, and integrity?
Generating trust and empowering people is one of the key abilities of our future leaders. But where are they coming from? We are focusing on inner qualities, because skill and competencies are not enough anymore. So we need new executive development programs and before anything else we need new search patterns for headhunters (and there are only a handful of executive searchers that are able to deliver this).
On the long hand companies have to create new management development systems that are focusing on team-builders known for their character, substance and integrity. That is the basis for a long lasting and sustainable growth for the next decades. Leading a large organization means to empower people throughout the organization, even those who are no direct reports.
Therefore the Leader has to understand and internalize the purpose and the culture of the company. This is the basis and guideline for empowering the organization and creating sound basis for a successful and sustainable future.
In Summary organizations must develop authentic leaders that generate trust and empower people.
Eckart Reinke
(referring to Bill George, HBS)